Keynote Speaking

Activate Your Awesomeness
Ideal Audience: Anyone working with other people.
Summary: Everyone has something awesome inside. Sometimes we need help identitying, acknowledging and activating that awesomenes.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Describe 3 critical components to being awesome
- Discover how to find your awesome attributes and apply them in your life
- Find the courage to activate your awesomeness
Ask for Better
Ideal Audience: Anyone who wants answers to life’s questions 🙂
Summary: In his 1936 classic How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie suggested we should “Ask questions the other person will enjoy answering.” Research shows that asking questions helps us learn and increases our likability. Who doesn’t like learning and being liked? We are not born with the art of asking questions. It is a learned behavoir.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Understand the power of questions
- Identify and discuss the 5 elements of effective questions
- Describe and avoid the barriers to asking good questions

Listen to Live Better
Ideal Audience: Those who want to listen better
Summary: People often confuse the physical act of hearing with the emotional art of listening. The modern educational system emphasizes speaking and writing, but does not teach the important skill of active listening. When you genuinely listen you show respect, create trust, and develop rapport. Active listening also helps you 1) identify and solve problems, 2) increase your knowledge and 3) avoid misunderstandings.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Describe barriers and benefits of active listening
- Identify listening styles
- Develop a listening strategy