Small Acts of Kindness Work Wonders with Audit Clients

The phrase “it is better to give than to receive” is applicable to most areas of our lives.  Studies have shown that those who participate in volunteer activities live better lives.  Further, contrary to popular belief, nice guys do not finish last.  Acts of kindness are important to build relationships of trust and respect.

I was fortunate to work with a few experienced professionals early in my career who taught me about the power of genuine kindness.  I recall working for one Chief Audit Executive (CAE) who spent a substantial amount of time reading audit and industry publications.  This is not unusual.  Auditors are required to know a little bit about a lot of different subjects.  Therefore, he subscribed to various publications and made a habit of reading at least 30 minutes per day.  The constant reading allowed him to better service clients.

So you’re probably thinking, great this CAE read a lot and increased his knowledge but how does this help the client.  He would frequently forward relevant articles to various personnel in the organization.  The items ranged from new legislation, to emerging trends, recent related fraud cases and much more.  Initially, some clients were either offended or confused.  After all, why would an auditor attempt to share knowledge with a client?  After some time, many realized that the goal of internal auditing is to help the entire organization.  Working together to ensure that all are working from the most current knowledge base benefits the organization.  Amazing things began to happen.  Clients and auditors began to have proactive conversation about risks.  Auditors were invited to join clients at training seminars.  Overall, relationships began to build.

Small acts of kindness build relationships of trust and respect.  Have you done something kind for an audit client recently?

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Robert Berry (106)

Robert (That Audit Guy) Berry is a risk, compliance and auditing advocate, educator and innovator. He helps good professionals become better by creating articles, web services and training that allow them to expand their knowledge network.

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